Thursday, September 01, 2005


Interest Groups

Some of our interest groups will not start until October. So watch out for more information in the coming newsletter. As well conveners are needed for the Hiking, Crafts and Couples activity groups. Please, think about becoming a convener.

New Interest Group “Hi Tea”
Hi Tea will meet monthly at 1:00 after lunch on the first Wednesdays. Convened by Peggy . The first meeting will be held at Peggy's home, on October 5,hosted by the executive, and will serve as the Welcome Coffee for the newest and potential members.Mark your calendars now as this "meet and greet" will be a good place toget to know someone new! AGM The National Newcomers Council of Canada will host the annual General Meeting Saturday, October 22, in Truro, Nova Scotia. Anyone interested for further details contact Peggy.

The National Newcomers Council of Canada will host the annual General Meeting Saturday, October 22, in Truro, Nova Scotia. Anyone interested for further details contact Peggy.