Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Mine Quest in Bell Island

Adventurous people have arrived on this part of the island and are exploring the flooded parts of Bell Island's former iron ore mine, (by the way the biggest underwater mine of its time.)

Between Jan. 29 and Feb. 9, a team of international cave divers from Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States and Egypt will carry out an exploration project in the abandoned and now flooded iron ore mines in Wabana, Bell Island.

The project follows an initial dive made last July and is mounted by Ocean Quest Adventure Resort of Conception Bay South, in association with the Bell Island Heritage Society. It will provide information on the integrity of the mine shafts underwater, hazards, artifacts discovered and overall suitability for establishing a full-time cave diving operation in the mine.
Quote from the Bell Island website,with lots of information about Bell Island's history.

Rick Stanley, whose brain child the exploration is, is owner and operator of Ocean Quest a Foxtrap based Newfoundland diving company.

The divers keep a nice blog with photos about their progress.

To get to Bell Island you have to take the ferry from Portugal Cove where someone has mounted a webcam on their deck which shows the ferry terminal and Belll Island in the background: Charlie's Deck.