Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Activities January 2008

We are still alive and kicking, but there was just no time to update the site. So finally some news on our activities for this month:

January Social,
Thursday, January 8th at 10:00 am is scheduled at an unusual time because our guest speaker is only available at this particular time and date. Do not miss this opportunity to learn about yoga and its benefits for mind and body. Be inspired and change your life for the new year.

Thursdays January 15th, 22nd, and 29th join our Craft Group at 9:30 am at the home of Estella

Book Notes:There will be no book club meeting this month due to the unavailability of the chosen book. All are welcome to come to the meeting on February 17th (details to follow in the next month’s listings), when we shall discuss both Perfect Night to Go to China and Cloud of Bone.

Wednesday January 7th, and 21st at 10:15 am Morning Coffee at The Rooms.
You will always find a friendly contact at one of the Wednesday coffee mornings. The coffee mornings provide the best informal way to meet other members, connect with kindred spirits, or suggest themes for future socials or new activities. If the present gathering cannot satisfy your curiosity the following ladies are always ready to answer questions regarding the Newcomers’ Club and our activities:

Ann 739-0416 Hana 738-0266

If the present global economic climate gets you down, one effective remedy may be a ticket to the Revue 2008 staged at Art and Culture centre. The show has decades old tradition, and travels through all 6 provincial A&C Centres to sell out crowds. Your chance is on any of the following dates: January 9, 10, 11, 15, 16 and 17. For other shows, concerts and happenings check out the free publications, the Rogers community TV Channel and The City of St. John’s Welcomes You web site.

According to the poet Samuel Butler (1612-1680), “Great actions are not always true sons of great and mighty resolutions.” It stands to reason then, even if you are one of the few who did not make any resolutions for the New Year, you may still accomplish something wonderful. Most of us break the resolutions we make under the influence of the bubbly, anyhow.

Have a great year, Newcomers!