MORNING COFFEE AT THE ROOMS - Wednesdays, November 10th and 24th at 10:30 AM. The Rooms have become the Newcomers’ HQ for informal meetings separate from general meetings and interest groups activities. Our last coffee morning attracted one of the largest gatherings to-date, and 3 tables were barely enough to accommodate all arrivals. Members shared their travel experiences and offered theme ideas for our future monthly general meetings, as well as ideas for the customary Christmas bags the Newcomers have been providing to Naomi House for years, to which end a collection was started. If you would like to stay for lunch, the Red Oak Catering menu and daily specials offer interesting tastes at reasonable prices.
To check or arrange a lunch date, call Hana.
BOOK CLUBS - This month the Newcomers are reading Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens and No Choice But Seduction by Johanna Lindsey.
CRAFT GROUP is working on individual projects and planning future crafts. There will be no organized meetings in the month of December; they will resume in February.