Saturday, February 28, 2009

Activities in March and April 2009

Wednesdays - Morning Coffee at The Rooms

March 4th, 18th
April 1st, 15th and 29th at 10:15 am

You will always find a friendly contact at one of the Wednesday coffee mornings. The coffee mornings provide the best informal way to meet other members, connect with kindred spirits, or suggest themes for future socials or new activities. If the present gathering cannot satisfy your curiosity the following ladies are always ready to answer questions regarding the Newcomers’ Club and our activities:
Ann G. 739-0416, Jamie 722-5915, Basia 726-1611, Hana 738-0266

Thursdays - Craft Group

March 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th
April 2nd, 9th , 16th, 23rd, and 30th join our
at 12:30 pm

at the home of Estella P. The meetings last about 2 hours.

Book Notes

Tuesday, March 10th - at 9:30 am
at Randi’s. The book for this month is Greg Mortenson’s Three Cups of Tea.

Tuesday, April 21st. - at 9:30 am
at Carol F.'s, 15 British Sqr. The selection for April is Elizabeth Murphy’s Imperfect Librarian.
All are welcome to come to the meetings.


Monday, March 16th at 11:00 am at Basia’s.

The theme for our March Social is (not quite surprisingly) all things Irish. Basia’s main course will be waiting and supplemented by participants’ delectable potluck contributions inspired by St. Patrick’s Day traditions. Please, wear something Irish and share stories of Irish luck, lore and customs connected to St. Patrick’s Day.


Monday April 6th

Details about the Club’s Monday April 6th Social featuring a talk by one of our own, Jamie Stockton, will be finalized by April Fool’s Day, and you can find out about the plans at the first Morning Coffee of April.


See the City of St. John’s Welcomes You site for all the cultural events the season offers (and Winter Spring Active Guide) . The Scope and The Telegram newspapers as well as the Roger’s channel feature listings of events planned by various institutions and societies. Yuk Yuk’s Comedy Club opened on Kenmount Rd. and may be worth a visit for some much needed humour. The Kiwanis Music Festival takes place in March and should be as enjoyable as ever.

The Torbay Museum and Torbay Recreation will be holding two workshops:

March 28th - Who Are You - The Newfoundland Genealogical Society is conducting a workshop on how to start researching your family history. Kinsmen Centre 1 – 4 pm. Free.

April 25th – Revisit an old traditional cloth making. Renowned felter Bonnie Johnstone is coming from the Southern Shore to teach felting. The project will be a wall hanging to take home. Kinsmen Centre, 11am - 5 pm. Cost is $30.


The weather was truly unpredictable this month and provided ample opportunities for exercise, mainly that of heavy lifting… The falling snow was rarely of the pleasing powder variety, but mostly rather wet and heavy. Students missed a lot of school making their scholastic February even shorter, and the Newcomers missed out on one of their two monthly Coffees at The Rooms, due to the Museum’s closure. Our newest members may not be familiar with the possibility of experiencing all four seasons in one day… Please, never underestimate the weather warnings and always check if the venues of our meeting are actually opened prior to leaving your cozy homes.