Over the dozen years of the club's existence, membership of the Newcomers' Club St. John's has been fluctuating between close to an 100 registered members and the present count of 22. The club truly helped newcomers with settling into their new homes in the City of St. John's and vicinity. Due to relocation, changes in personal commitments and gainful employment of the officers of the club, it is impossible to continue with a structured programme or activities many of us found so rewarding in the past with the exception of friendly and informal coffee mornings at The Rooms through the month of December.
Coffee mornings at The Rooms, Wednesdays:
OCTOBER 12th and 26th
NOVEMBER 9th and 23rd
DECEMBER 7th and 21st
Should some of the latest arrivals to St. John's be interested in helping to reinvigorate the group and offer to assume some of the duties, please, get in touch with Michelle or Hana at the phone numbers provided at the top of the Club's blog introduction. We will happily offer assistance and answer any questions about the club or life in St. John's. The gmail address is no longer current.