Thursday, September 01, 2005

September Interest Groups

Book Notes
When: September 13th at 9:30
Where: Gaye's home
Book: The Queen's Fool
by Philippa Gregory


June's Review
Our June book was Rockbound by Frank Parker Day, the winner of 2005 CBC's Canada Reads competition. The story takes place around the turn of the century on a tiny island off the coast of Nova Scotia. Day tells the story through David Jung, a boy who was outcast on a nearby island. The story begins as David journeys back to Rockbound to claim what is rightfully his. Here we encounter Uriah Jung, David's uncle and self-proclaimed lord of Rockbound. Day tells the story in dialect, which can make it hard to read at first, but all agreed it brought the characters to life. Day succeeds in developing an array of characters that weave an interesting tale of fishing and fishermen in the Maritimes. Our group rated the book an 8 out of 10. Some of the comments were: "I would recommend it", "character development exceptional", "language brought home a feeling of remoteness, uniqueness", "really liked it".

Thank you to Connie for hosting our May meeting and taking us to her favourite fish & chips restaurant afterwards

Golf at The Wilds
Saturday September 17th
Convener: Andrea
We are nearing the end of August and that means the Newcomer golf weekend is just around the corner. This is a couple’s activity so you and your spouse, partner or friend are invited to a golf weekend at the Wilds. Beginner golfers are most welcome as this is a “fun” day. On Saturday September 17th, I have reserved 4 tee times starting at 12:35 for 16 people, as well as 8 carts. We have a dinner reservation for 6:30 and 6 rooms booked for those who would like to spend the night. Golf for 6 couples starts at 9:05 on Sunday morning. If you are interested in any or all of the weekends activities please let me know as soon as possible so I can finalize numbers with The Wilds. A great time was had by all last year and I hope to fill all the spots so give it some thought

Thursday mornings 9-noon ,
starting September 8th
Sobeys’ Community Room
Topsail Road

Convener Needed

This is an informal group that meets weekly and works on individual projects. Throughout the year, if there is interest some members of the group will get together and coordinate a group project. Anyone is welcome to join in or just come along for coffee, a chat and some inspiration. Please note that in order for this group to continue, a convener is needed. Contact Mary-Ellen, 2nd vice, if you have questions or would be interested in convening.


We’re hoping to golf all of September, October and November, but we’ll take it a week at a time. I will be back into the swing of things starting this month so I should have tee times to e-mail the golf gang each Tuesday.

Meanwhile, I trust you are booking some tee times and phoning each other to get in as many games as you can before snow flies!

Friday Adventure Touring Group
Also known as the Walkie-Talkie-Munchie Group. This is not a Newcomers’ interest group, but open to anyone who wishes to take part. It is a wonderful way to get to know
St .John’s and the surrounding areas. The group meets every Friday morning at 10 a.m. in the lobby of the Holiday Inn, Portugal Cove Road, next to the kiosk. If you are interested, please, mail Elizabeth (see newsletter)

Community Volunteers

The Community Volunteers is off to a flying start with their first event on September 10, the Relay for Life. This event is a fundraiser for the cancer society and consists of a 12 hour relay (Saturday 7pm to Sunday 7am) of walking around the Field House track. A great excuse to catch up with friends and stay up all night! We are still looking for team members, so far we have 6 members in our team and are looking for 6 more. Interested? Let Ann or Jaime know! For more detail you can visit the website and our team is called The Newcomers’ Club of St. John’s; if you do not want to participate on our team but still want to donate, you can do this on the website as well.

We will also continue our bi-weekly cooking for the Naomi Centre; this involves preparing a meal with a fellow newcomer for approximately 12 girls from a centre for girls at risk. The meal service is very much appreciated by the girls and the staff of the Naomi Centre and it is a great way to contribute to the St. John’s community. Our first date is for September 19, for the following weeks we will have a sign-up sheet at our first meeting. Call Ann or Jaime of you are interested in helping out or need some more information on this.

Our first meeting of the Community volunteers is on September Wednesday, September 28 at 10:00 am at Ann's house. Hope to see you there!

Tennis anyone?

If you are interested in playing social tennis with the Newcomers group, we play weekly on Friday mornings.

When? Meet us Fridays at 9am for a warm-up, playing or lesson from 9:30-10:30.
Usually we have a coffee after our session
Where? Greenbelt Tennis Club 114 Newtown Road

All level of players are welcome. There are court fees and membership issues that are still being negotiated,
so for more information contact either of us.