Tuesday, October 04, 2005

October Announcements

Message from the 2nd Vice- President

Hope you have all had a wonderful summer, I know I have. I survived 2 months of taxiing children and entertaining or visiting friends and family and now its time for me! Newcomers organize a number of special interest groups each year, offering the opportunity to socialize and make new friends in a small, relaxed environment while pursuing your individual interests or developing new ones. Since moving here 2 years ago, I have taken up tennis for the first time; played a little golf; hiked much of the Avalon; read/discussed many books (good and bad); enjoyed couples dinners, preparing and sharing various ethnic cuisines; met new friends for lunch and/ or for a movie night, learned the infamous game of Pokeeno and so much more…….all because I joined Newcomers and got involved! I welcome you to come up with ideas for and/or offers to lead new interest groups at any time during the year. Sign up sheets will be available at all of our social meetings So look for them or call me, just make sure You get involved. Mary-Ellen, 2nd VP .

Executive Meeting

The next Executive meeting will take place on Wednesday 12th October and will be held at Gaye’s home at 9.30.


Around Town
  • Fall Craft and Art Fair, Sunday October 9th at the Holiday Inn
  • Deck the Halls Craft and Art Fair, November 13th
  • Santa's Craft and Art Fair, November 23rd

Newsletter deadline for the November newsletter issue will be Monday, 24th October.


Membership fees are now due. They must be received in order to participate in Club activities and receive this newsletter.

See President’s Message for details.

Welcome Tea/ Coffee

This month’s Hi Tea will be hosted by the Executive, and will serve as the Welcome Coffee for the newest and potential members. Please come along for a cup of tea or coffee and take the opportunity to meet members of the Executive along with other new/ potential members. If you know someone new to St. John’s who might be interested in learning more about Newcomers, do please invite them along too.

The Welcome Tea/ Coffee will be held at Peggy 's home on October 5th. We look forward to seeing you there!

“October Social Meeting”

Date: Monday, 17th October 2005
  • Stage Head Restaurant
  • (downstairs room)

    Time: 9:30 am
    Cost:$5.00 per person
    RSVP: Gaye on or before Friday 14th October (for catering purposes)

    The guest speaker for our October Social is from the Canadian Cancer Society. This Society is a national, community-based organization of volunteers, whose mission is the eradication of cancer and the enhancement of the quality of life of people living with cancer. The Newcomers Club participates in many of the Cancer Societies’ activities with volunteers and participation in their events. In the last year we took part in the Relay for Life, the Festival of Trees and the Daffodil campaign; all great events that were organized by the local Cancer society.