Newcomers' Club St.John's, Newfoundland
Welcome to the St.John's Newcomers' Club Homepage The Newcomers' Club is a non-profit, volunteer organization that welcomes women who have recently moved to St.John's, Newfoundland, Canada. Our purpose is to help you meet people and make new friends, help you get to know your new community and provide you with outlets for some of your talents. To learn more about our club contact us through our president Michelle at 738 71 23 or Hana 738 0266 or write us an email:
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Message from the President
As we approach April and all that is "Spring", I cannot help but wonder how the green bits can possibly emerge from under Winter's mantle of white. The calendar says Daylight Savings Time next weekend, but the roar of the wind says otherwise. What must we do to make the transition from Winter to Spring, from white to green, when all we want to do is wrap warm woollens around our shoulders and light a fire in the den? How can our proverbial garden grow, when warmth is needed to sprout the seed from within?
Well, I have an idea. Why don't you all plan a day out with a friend. Whether it is a brisk walk (in the mall most likely), a coffee date at the Tim Horton’s nearest you, lunch at Murray Premises, or a drink or two off George Street, call someone today and plan a get together. Whom should you call? Well, the member list for Newcomers is published for a very good reason. It is supposed to be a direct line from one to another, a means to share what each of us "has", a way to get past the wall of winter and let in the light. We all have a special glow that radiates when we are together.
A bright white smile, the glint of an eye, the tilt of a head, or an embrace.....these are the signs of friendship. But, these are only visible if we actually meet! Being alone has its merits, but for only a short time. I think the Winter has been long enough! Let's emerge from our cocoons and bloom! Just get out and get together!
Join us for first Wednesday's HI TEA at Auntie Crae's. Read a book. Take a golf lesson. Take a tennis lesson. Attend Bible study. Go to the Works for a walk. See a movie. Make a dinner for the girls at Naomi Centre. Come to the Botanical Gardens and learn how to make your space colourful. Sell some daffodils! Whatever it is just do something TOGETHER! Bloom where planted.....Grow strong and lovely in our Garden of Friendship that is the NEWCOMERS CLUB OF ST. JOHN'S.
So, please think about all you can be for the future of Newcomers. Join us for the April social and participate whenever you can. Spring is the time for renewal and growth, so bear new fruit in your life, make new friends. Friendship is the most important part of our lives. Newcomers’ is where these kinships are born and thrive. Ignore the nasty weather outdoors, and grow, making your own sunshine, warmth from within, shared amongst us all, glow.
Next month we will elect a new Executive who will take the reins to begin a fresh and bright 06-07 Newcomers season. I have been pondering since the last newsletter about the gaps in the slate for next year's Executive. The Board discussed this situation at our last meeting and came up with a few ideas that might be helpful in the event that no president steps forward.
Thank you to Pia for a very informative and interesting demonstration on Ikebana. We are blessed to have such a talent among us!

April Social
April 24th at 10.00am – 12.00 pm at the Botanical Gardens, 306 Mt Scio Road, St John’s
The Director of the MUN Botanical Garden, Dr. Wilf Nicholls, is internationally known for his work in hybridization, selection and commercialization of a number of new ornamental plants.
Wilf has been instrumental to Memorial University's Botanical Garden program named "Plant Atlantic" to establish a home-based production industry for Atlantic Canadian hardy ornamental plants. The program employs biotechnological methodologies such as tissue culture and micro-propagation to partner with classic hybridization, plant exploration and selection in the discovery of new ornamental plants. Industry partners will then commercially produce and market them to the local, national and international markets.
He is a thoroughly engaging speaker. So don’t miss this opportunity to listen to his talk and a chance to ask about problem plants of your garden or any other question that comes to your mind about the challenges of gardening in Newfoundland.
Morning Tea will be provided by the “Blooming Teapot”. RSVP by Friday April 21st for catering numbers to Gaye Laing, Phone: 738-0108 Email: Entry cost: $5.00
The gift shop will offer 10% off FOR THAT DAY ONLY to Newcomers’ members.
You might like to stay for lunch afterwards at the Blooming Teapot (753-8327). Bookings are advised.
Newcomers' Cookbook
Anyone who would like to be part of the committee should contact June Anderson by email at
The Cookbook Project will be a success, if every member submits about 5 recipes. So hurry, get out your favourite recipes, sharpen your pencils, write them down and send them in. To get the printing on the way -so the books will be ready for sale in autumn- the deadline is the end of April.
Please use the recipe form sent to you earlier by Caroline as a guideline for an electronic submission to June. If you did not receive the form you might want to check your bulk mail folder as some of our mailings get eaten by the spam filters.
April Interest Groups
Community Volunteers
Ann G. & Jaime
The April activities are falling into place for the community volunteers. The schedule for Daffodil sales still has several empty spaces and help will be greatly appreciated. We have a reputation since we sold the most of all locations last year. If you have a couple free hours to help with this project for the Cancer Society please give Ann a call (739- 0416). The dates for sales are from April 7th to closing on the 15th.
We have the names and information on our family we are helping to make Easter special for. They are a family of four and unemployment has run out recently. We will be purchasing Easter food and some extras to keep them going for a little while. Thanks to your financial support we are able to do this and represent the Newcomers club in the community.
Upcoming events
Blind Date With a Star- A annual fundraiser for The Learning Disabled Association of Newfoundland and Labrador. I do not have the actual date for this yet, (the first part of June). A real blast of an evening and we try to get at least one table of newcomers and a surprise “star” of Newfoundland joins us at an assigned restaurant for dinner. There is a tax receipt for part of the cost. For answers to your questions and to book at the Newcomers table call Ann.
Relay For Life- The annual national event has been moved to June 3rd. this year to be in line with the rest of the country. This will be at the Field House. From 7:00 pm. To 7:00 am. We can help the success of this event by, filling participant gift bags, setting up the “tent” area and by being a relay team member. Think about this, and come join us for a lot of laughs and great fun. Call Jaime or Ann for more details and to sign up.
Golf Tournament- June 17th at the Willows Golf Course. This is a fund-raiser for the School Lunch Program. Cost is $75.00 / person with a $50.00 tax receipt. This is a fun tournament set up for all levels of golfers. The tournament is followed by a BBQ at the Masonic Temple on Cathedral St., St John’s. Call to put your name on a team.
Naomi Centre Supper Club Schedule:
April 3rd Peggy Taylor
Hana Semerad
May1st Gaye Duff- Laing
Volunteer needed
Hi Tea
Convener: Peggy Taylor
This first Wednesday HI TEA will be held at Auntie Crae’s, 130 Water Street.
April 5th at 1:30 pm is coming soon after this newsletter is sent out, so make your plans TODAY! Join the ladies for a warm, cozy spot of tea or coffee and most certainly some stimulating conversation! Everyone is welcome, but please let Peggy know if you will attend. Hi Tea is a great place to unwind after a busy morning. Bring a new neighbour if you have one.
Winter Walkers
Convener: Peggy
Winter Walkers meets on Wednesday mornings at 9 am at the MUN field house. Join us for a refreshing walk around the indoor, climate-controlled track and watch those pounds just melt off! Parking off Elizabeth Ave is free and it’s only a twoney to get your dose of exercise. Come one, come all.
Out To Lunch
Convener: Millie
Friday, April 28th at 12:00 Basho Fusion Restaurant (across from Magnum & Steins) on Duckworth St. Please call Millie at 579-2957 or email before April 26th. Please note I am off to Tokyo April 11 - 25th and hope to bring back a special guest to join us for lunch.
Read a review of Basho Fusion restaurant here
Book Notes
Convener: Roberta
Tuesday April 11th at Mary-Ellen’s home
Book for April: The Wreckage by Michael Crummy
Our book this month was the controversial "A Million Little Pieces" by James Frey. The story is supposed to be an autobiographical account of James Frey's six weeks in a treatment facility for alcohol and drug rehabilitation. The controversy surrounding this book was based on a report that the "truth" in the story may not be the total truth. Our group discussed at length whether he wrote a "collective non-fiction" and embellished the story for literary/artistic reasons or whether he wrote a fiction and published and marketed it as a non-fiction story for his own personal financial gain. Despite this controversy we had an extremely lively discussion about the content and the writing style of the book. In addition, many of us were able to share our personal experiences with how someone with substance abuse had impacted our life. Our group rated this book a 7 out of 10. Most people said they enjoyed it, and found it to be a page-turner. Some comments were: "it was extremely well written, almost poetic, and "he had a way of bringing you into the world of an addict", "didn't like the content" "was bored with the graphic details.”
Get ahead on reading Book Notes reads!
May: Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
Golf Gang
Convener: Marie
For the month of April it’s important that we do some extra walking either at the Field House or outdoors. Stretch those legs and backs in preparation for plenty of walking and lugging clubs on our Newfoundland courses.
We will continue to meet at Rob’s for practice with a warm coffee and some golf chat at Chapters after.
Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. as usual.
There is still room for at least 3 more ladies to take lessons in May. Please e-mail me a.s.a.p. if you want to join us. If there are more, I can still book a fourth time slot.
Newcomers Tennis
Conveners: Sandi & Roberta
Please join us for some social tennis and a coffee at Greenbelt Tennis Centre every Friday from 9 am-10:30 am. We are a friendly group and welcome players of all abilities. We will set up a clinic or series of lessons for those who are new to tennis or haven't played in years. If you are a seasoned player we can facilitate matches and introduce you to the Tennis leagues at the club. If you are interested please contact Roberta or Sandi so we can get your name on the email list and organize any clinic or lessons as needed.
Games Night
Games Night will be at Peggy's home Friday, April 28th, 7:30 p.m. Bring the beverage of your choice, snacks will be provided. Game is Hostess’ choice, and we always manage to have great fun, no matter what the game! Please call Peggy for details for RSVP and directions! Come one, come all! No experience necessary.
Bible Study
Convener: Marie
12 Paddy Dobbin Drive, St. John’s
9.30 a.m. Tuesday, April 11th
Study: The Purpose Driven Life.
Bring along a Bible, notebook and pen.
Get Together Crafts
Convener: Jaime
The Craft Group continues to meet every Thursday morning from 9 to 12 at Sobey’s at Merrymeeting Road.
We have just finished our Iceberg wall hanging project and are discussing a project for the coming weeks. Andrea has offered to lead us into another amazing quilting project, a lighthouse picture. We will start this project around the middle of May. All of our projects are open to all and no previous experience is necessary!
Join us anytime, you can bring your own projects or join us for a group project. Not into crafting? Just come for a cup of coffee and a chat!