Message from the President
My dear Ladies,
As we approach April and all that is "Spring", I cannot help but wonder how the green bits can possibly emerge from under Winter's mantle of white. The calendar says Daylight Savings Time next weekend, but the roar of the wind says otherwise. What must we do to make the transition from Winter to Spring, from white to green, when all we want to do is wrap warm woollens around our shoulders and light a fire in the den? How can our proverbial garden grow, when warmth is needed to sprout the seed from within?
Well, I have an idea. Why don't you all plan a day out with a friend. Whether it is a brisk walk (in the mall most likely), a coffee date at the Tim Horton’s nearest you, lunch at Murray Premises, or a drink or two off George Street, call someone today and plan a get together. Whom should you call? Well, the member list for Newcomers is published for a very good reason. It is supposed to be a direct line from one to another, a means to share what each of us "has", a way to get past the wall of winter and let in the light. We all have a special glow that radiates when we are together.
A bright white smile, the glint of an eye, the tilt of a head, or an embrace.....these are the signs of friendship. But, these are only visible if we actually meet! Being alone has its merits, but for only a short time. I think the Winter has been long enough! Let's emerge from our cocoons and bloom! Just get out and get together!
Join us for first Wednesday's HI TEA at Auntie Crae's. Read a book. Take a golf lesson. Take a tennis lesson. Attend Bible study. Go to the Works for a walk. See a movie. Make a dinner for the girls at Naomi Centre. Come to the Botanical Gardens and learn how to make your space colourful. Sell some daffodils! Whatever it is just do something TOGETHER! Bloom where planted.....Grow strong and lovely in our Garden of Friendship that is the NEWCOMERS CLUB OF ST. JOHN'S.
So, please think about all you can be for the future of Newcomers. Join us for the April social and participate whenever you can. Spring is the time for renewal and growth, so bear new fruit in your life, make new friends. Friendship is the most important part of our lives. Newcomers’ is where these kinships are born and thrive. Ignore the nasty weather outdoors, and grow, making your own sunshine, warmth from within, shared amongst us all, glow.
Next month we will elect a new Executive who will take the reins to begin a fresh and bright 06-07 Newcomers season. I have been pondering since the last newsletter about the gaps in the slate for next year's Executive. The Board discussed this situation at our last meeting and came up with a few ideas that might be helpful in the event that no president steps forward.
Thank you to Pia for a very informative and interesting demonstration on Ikebana. We are blessed to have such a talent among us!

As we approach April and all that is "Spring", I cannot help but wonder how the green bits can possibly emerge from under Winter's mantle of white. The calendar says Daylight Savings Time next weekend, but the roar of the wind says otherwise. What must we do to make the transition from Winter to Spring, from white to green, when all we want to do is wrap warm woollens around our shoulders and light a fire in the den? How can our proverbial garden grow, when warmth is needed to sprout the seed from within?
Well, I have an idea. Why don't you all plan a day out with a friend. Whether it is a brisk walk (in the mall most likely), a coffee date at the Tim Horton’s nearest you, lunch at Murray Premises, or a drink or two off George Street, call someone today and plan a get together. Whom should you call? Well, the member list for Newcomers is published for a very good reason. It is supposed to be a direct line from one to another, a means to share what each of us "has", a way to get past the wall of winter and let in the light. We all have a special glow that radiates when we are together.
A bright white smile, the glint of an eye, the tilt of a head, or an embrace.....these are the signs of friendship. But, these are only visible if we actually meet! Being alone has its merits, but for only a short time. I think the Winter has been long enough! Let's emerge from our cocoons and bloom! Just get out and get together!
Join us for first Wednesday's HI TEA at Auntie Crae's. Read a book. Take a golf lesson. Take a tennis lesson. Attend Bible study. Go to the Works for a walk. See a movie. Make a dinner for the girls at Naomi Centre. Come to the Botanical Gardens and learn how to make your space colourful. Sell some daffodils! Whatever it is just do something TOGETHER! Bloom where planted.....Grow strong and lovely in our Garden of Friendship that is the NEWCOMERS CLUB OF ST. JOHN'S.
So, please think about all you can be for the future of Newcomers. Join us for the April social and participate whenever you can. Spring is the time for renewal and growth, so bear new fruit in your life, make new friends. Friendship is the most important part of our lives. Newcomers’ is where these kinships are born and thrive. Ignore the nasty weather outdoors, and grow, making your own sunshine, warmth from within, shared amongst us all, glow.
Next month we will elect a new Executive who will take the reins to begin a fresh and bright 06-07 Newcomers season. I have been pondering since the last newsletter about the gaps in the slate for next year's Executive. The Board discussed this situation at our last meeting and came up with a few ideas that might be helpful in the event that no president steps forward.
Thank you to Pia for a very informative and interesting demonstration on Ikebana. We are blessed to have such a talent among us!