Message from the 1st VP
A final message from me, for this Newcomers’ year.
I trust that you all enjoyed our Social this month, at the Botanical Gardens. We had a fantastic turnout, maybe the weather inspired us all. I am not a very avid gardener (and if my husband was reading this he would say that was an understatement), however I thoroughly enjoyed our presentation from Wilf Nicholls, he was informative and also had a great sense of humour to help lighten things up. I came home feeling very inspired and with our glorious weather on Monday, thought right I must get those bulbs planted I bought 2 weeks ago. All good intentions, I carried them in from my front porch and dumped them inside on the daily paper and as usual found something else to do! (I found my husband in the garden at 6pm that evening planting my spring bulbs. As I approached him, he said “Just thought I would finish what you had started”!)
Oh well! Maybe one day I will catch the gardening bug, until then I guess my husband will just have to continue on as Head Gardener. I hadn’t realized that we had such a wonderland of amazing and rare flora and fauna in Newfoundland and if nothing else I will certainly be making some visits to the Botanical Gardens this summer to see the gardens, in their various stages of bloom or not, of course I will need my Head gardener in attendance!
Just rounding off for the year I hope you have enjoyed our various Social Meetings for 2005/2006 and I certainly hope that we shall all make one last effort for our final Social Meeting at Mary-Ellen Brown’s on 29th May. Please all come, we will have a fun and relaxed evening. I hope you all have wonderful summer holidays and for those of you leaving St. John’s have a safe move and settle into a wonderful new life in your new cities/countries. Thank you all for your friendship and a great 2005/2006.