September Social 2007
Last Monday we kicked off a new season with the Newcomers' Club in style at the Newman Wine Vaults.
About 30 Newcomers attended the reception, joined the Newcomers' Club, munched on delectable cheeses and other goodies and signed up for our interest groups.
At the entrance everyone was greeted by Karen and Colleen who collected fees and distributed name tags with numbers for the door prize. Given the venue guess what that could have been!
After everyone had mingled a bit and gotten (re-) acquainted with the other members our president Andrea welcomed us and outlined the program for the coming year. Then 1st and 2nd Vice-President, June and Gaye, community liaison person Colleen and newsletter co-editor Pia each talked briefly about their respective topics. Finally a Newman Wine Vaults volunteer gave us some interesting information on the history of Newman Port and the Vaults followed by some port sampling.
On a sad note: Our long time member Connie is leaving the province. We know how hard it is for her and wish her all the best for another new beginning.
As the German poet Hermann Hesse wrote in one of his poems:
In every new beginning there lies a kind of magic.
Thanks for preparing this delightful evening! We hope everyone enjoyed coming.
(Note that the Vaults can be rented as a venue for all kinds of private funtions.)