Monday, August 09, 2010


Coffee Mornings at The Rooms, Wednesdays, August 11th, and 25th 2010 at 10:15AM
While the City of St. John's is barely recovered from the recent events on George Street, the Regatta and the Annual Folk Music Festival, most of our Club members are travelling either to discover more natural beauty this province has to offer or to visit family and friends in their places of origin. The coffee mornings are basically the only chance for members, visitors and potential new members to make contact throughout the summer months. Attendance numbers fluctuate but there will be at least one old-timer present. The club's activities usually pick up after Labor Day, when our blog should be updated as well. Meanwhile, enjoy the summer, visit Cupids celebrations, Brigus for the Blueberry Festival, and a good picnic at the Ferryland Lighthouse with whale watching a bonus while you wait your turn - reservations needed.