Tuesday, October 04, 2005

October Message from The President

Welcome to the 2005-2006 Newcomers’ Club! This year is off to a great start! Our kick-off meeting was well attended. If you did not have the opportunity to get to the meeting, you missed a good one! A special howdy to our newest members. We know the Club will provide some sunshine during the next few months. Please call any of the Executive members if you need anything. Our motto is that a smile and a willingness to help out a stranger makes for a happy place to call home! It is NOT too late to join. Please send your renewal form from last month’s Signal, with a cheque for $25 made payable to The Newcomers Club of St. John’s to Karen . You must be a current member to participate in the activities. So, join today. Also, we encourage you ALL to get an email service so the Signal can get to you electronically. We try to do most of our correspondence in this manner, so please let the Membership and Telephone Chairs know your email addresses.

Now let’s think about the October social. This month we’ll have our meeting at 9.30am on Monday 17th October at the Stagehead Restaurant at Quidi Vidi village. We will, as usual, have plenty of time to chitchat, enjoy some refreshments, and hear about interesting activities from around our wonderful area. I believe there will be a speaker from the Cancer Society, so don’t hesitate to call Gaye and let her know you’ll be coming. Remember, we collect $5 to cover the cost of the meeting, so don’t forget your cash. Please join us for this monthly social. The contact is important, especially during the winter months when the weather turns dreary. Enjoy the sunshine for the next few weeks, and I hope to see you ALL, out and about enjoying the activities our Club and fine city have to offer. See you at the Hi Tea on October 5th, then on the 17th at the monthly social. Until then……… keep smiling!