Interest Groups December
Community Volunteers
Wednesday 14th December, 10:00 a.m
At Marlene ’s home
All welcome, call for directions and to confirm.
Co-conveners: Ann & Jaime
We have completed and delivered the Santa Bags for Naomi Centre for their Christmas party this year. The Staff were so very pleased to receive this, and said they had no idea how they would have done this if we had not. A special thank you to Rachel Jenni for the pens she donated, June Anderson for the candies for in the bags, and Andrea Adams for organizing the scarf and scented hangers as well as all she donated to the cause. All those ladies who donated yarn and knitted, you are included in that special thank you. With out all your help this would have been a very big job for our small committee.
Our Christmas Family for this year is a family of three, a mom and a set of two year old twins, (a boy and a girl). The twins do not need outside clothing, but we do have some suggestions for larger, educational toys, for those interest groups who would like to go together to purchase these items. The list was at Jaime’s at the November Social and we will gladly add your name for specific items by calling us. Your cash donations will go towards purchasing Christmas dinner and some extras to get them into the New Year. The December meeting will be a working, social time as we wrap the gifts for the family and enjoy each others’ company. Come join in the spirit of the season.
Book Notes
Tuesday, December 6th @ 10:30am
June 's Home
Book: The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
Co-conveners: Mary & Roberta
Eva is writing in letter format to her husband, Franklin, about their son Kevin. Kevin is currently in prison for committing a mass murder at his high school in Columbine-like style. Eva is now trying to discern where she was to blame, what was wrong with Kevin and perhaps how things could have been different. The author tells us this fictional story through the eyes of Kevin's mother. She is quite introspective as she writes to Franklin trying to give her perspectives of Kevin's life from infancy until that infamous "Thursday"-the day he committed this horrific act.
The discussion of this book was quite a boisterous one. This book was rated a 7 by our group. Some of the comments were that it was very well written albeit a very disturbing story line. Some felt sympathy for the mother and others felt she was 'not particularly motherly and had Kevin for all the wrong reasons. Comments were "overall extremely well written", "read it and enjoyed it but not really my taste in a book-too disturbing", "didn't like the way it was written in first person in a letter format" and "liked the historically true aspects of how the book related to the real school-mass-murder episodes in the USA".
Thank you Mary-Ellen for hosting November's meeting
SPECIAL OCCASION: Christmas Potluck (bring a dish) and bring a wrapped book for the Book Exchange.
Goodbye to Mary and Sandie
RSVP to June if you are attending.
Winter Walkers
Come along to the MUN gymnasium and join the walkers each Thursday morning at 9 am. We usually walk for an hour, do some sit ups, and occasionally lift some weights, depending on who is there. It costs two dollars to use the WORKS facility track and parking off Elizabeth Avenue is free. Call Peggy for info at any time. Peggy can be reached at 754-7206, or at Don't miss out on exercise....No excuses, just do it!
Out To Lunch
December 16th
12 noon
For our out to lunch for December, I will host a luncheon at my home.
We will exchange Christmas Ornaments. Everyone must bring a wrapped present valued $10.00.
Reserve before Wednesday 14th.
I will hire staff to help
so we don't have to do a thing.
Mixed Greens tossed with Poppy Seed Dressing
Russian Chicken
Japanese White Rice
Chocolate Raspberry Cake
$15.00 with wine $20.00
Couples’ Activities
Convener: Andrea D.
As December tends to be a very busy month for everyone, I don’t have a couples’ activity planned. I hope to organize a dinner theatre evening for late January and details will be in the January newsletter. Enjoy the holiday season.
Hi Tea
This month's First Wednesday Coffee will be held at 1 p.m. at Margarete ’s home. Everyone is welcome to join us for a cup of warm brew, to chat about the day's events and have a lovely time, as the hostess is one of the sweetest ladies around.
Please let Margarete know you are coming.
We always have an enjoyable time at Hi Tea, so bring your friends.
Computer Group
The Computer group is going into hibernation in December. We covered all kinds of topics so far, like emails, internet-search options, picture organizers etc. If anyone is interested in exploring MSWord or you have any other questions that I can help you with or you have found something really cool you would like to share, we can meet again in January on an irregular basis. Questions? Phone or email Pia.
Newcomers Tennis
Fridays, 9-11 a.m.
Greenbelt Tennis Club
114 Newtown Road
If you are interested in playing social tennis with the Newcomers’ group, meet us Fridays at 9am for a warm-up, playing or lesson from 9:30-10:30. Usually we have a coffee after our session.
All level of players are welcome. For more information contact either Sandi or Roberta co-conveners of Tennis.
Golf Gang
Convener: Marie
Golf in the winter??
Of course! No pun intended, but there it is.
We’ve had a few nice days in November and every year we try to golf at least one or two rounds in December. Our new mantrais, “It’s like hiking with a stick and a bag on wheels”. How difficult can that be? We still like to chant, “we are warm, we are dry”. Watch for your e-mails and keep your toques and golfing mitts handy.
Not strictly newcomers:
Beginners' Bridge
Anyone interested in learning a great card game? Beware that it can be quite addictive! If interest is shown we could start in January, possibly on Wednesday mornings.
Call Vivian.
This would not be an interest group as such as Non-Newcomers might also take part. T
Cross Country Skiing
Once the snow comes I have extra equipment for anyone who would like to try this wonderful sport. If you have your own equipment, would you be free to join me for a few invigorating runs?
Call Vivian
Friday Adventure Touring Group
Also known as the Walkie-Talkie-Munchie Group. This is not a Newcomers’ interest group, but open to anyone who wishes to take part. It is a wonderful way to get to know
St .John’s and the surrounding areas. The group meets every Friday morning at 10 a.m. in the lobby of the Holiday Inn, Portugal Cove Road, next to the kiosk. Just show up and explore!
Film Group
There is a change in time for the film group, as the majority seemed to be more comfortable with a daytime viewing. We usually meet at the cinema entrance shortly before the film begins.
There also is a weekly screening of Art House Films by the MUN Film club. You can read reviews of the films at: The tickets are $8 and you must get there at 6pm in order to secure a seat! ( 7-9 pm screenings).
Please direct confirmations and questions to Basia if you intend to join.
(Editor’s Note: Bookmark the Newcomers’ Website and conveniently use the links to the MUN cinema series or the Empire Theatres)
Games Night
The Games Night will resume in January. So check the next newsletter for the date and place.
Bible Study
10 a.m., Wednesdays December 7th and 14th
Convener: Marie
We’ll have a look at traditional Christmas Carols and try to discover what we’re really singing about !
Gardener’s Forum
For all those who love to rejuvenate in gardening mode. There are quite a few of us so make yourself known, share your interest and find out how it’s done in N.L! This is a group for pooling information, contacts and sources. Get on the list to hear about open gardens in the summer and lunches in the winter! Please contact Karen.
Get Together Crafts
The Craft group will continue to meet every Thursday at Sobey’s on Topsail Road from 9 -12. (just past the Village Mall).
We are continuing our Christmas Card project into the first week of December and will hold a pot-luck brunch to end the year on December 15.
For the New Year we have some tentative plans for an “Iceberg” fabric collage and possibly basket weaving. Our plans depend on the members’ interests and we are always in for new ideas. We want to invite everyone to join our group, there is NO experience required for any of our projects and we also invite those who come to admire our projects or just come for the coffee!
If you need information, give Jaime a call.
Happy Holidays from the Craft Group