Saturday, January 28, 2006

Message From the President

A Year To Remember

Once I was new and I couldn't care less,

about rain and the snow and winter's duress.

But after a month of looking out windows,

at the dirt and the clouds and the wind that blew sideways...

I needed a change from my days full of stress,

So, I joined up with Newcomers and too, the exec.

There, I had a great reason to get away from the mess,

from the dishes and the laundry and the unmade beds.

It turned out to be the most wonderful decision,

that made my life meaningful and filled with new mission.

Over time I realized that by doing my best,

I had helped many others get over their stress(es)!

Soooo, now I am writing my mid-term address,

asking each one of you to be put to the test.

If I can manage to get out there and do it,

so can YOU, and I know you'll really enjoy it!

Just give a firm nod when they call down the list

and you'll have the chance to give us your best.

My time as the Pres. of Newcomers I'll miss,

along with the meetings, the mail, and the lists.

Now when I meet my new friends "come from away"

I'll tell them for certain to join up today.

'Cause when it is over I will surely attest,

that my year served on the exec was one of the best.

Peggy T.

Message from the 2nd VP

Welcome to 2006….. Any resolutions? If you’re planning to exercise take a look at Peggy’s new group and get at it. Golf will start up again soon, these Ladies are fanatics and you can even buy “winter” golf gloves in NFLD. Heather B. is interested in starting up a skating group, so if you’re keen give her a call. All our interest groups are continuing in the New Year so have a look through the newsletter and join something new.

Happy New Year, Mary-Ellen

February Social Meeting

“Is Your Voice Telling on You?”

By Roberta D., MSPA CCC

Does your voice give away your age? Do you have trouble sounding confident? Does your voice get tired when you are speaking for an extended period of time? Do people ask, is your mommy home? Is your voice pleasant to listen to? Do you often get laryngitis? Come and learn about your voice, learn how to make it work for you, and take away some exercises to keep it sounding young!

Monday, 20th 2006
Time: 9:30 a.m.
Venue: Call Gaye for info.
Cost: $5.00
RSVP: by February 17th 2006
To: Gaye L.

February Interest Groups

Community Volunteers
Wednesday 8th February, 10:00 a.m at Ann’s home.
All welcome, call for directions and to confirm
Co-conveners: Ann & Jaime

The first item I would like to share with all of you who helped to make Christmas for the needy family is the note we received from them. When Marlene delivered the gifts and groceries she had a thank you note ready for us, and was very appreciative of all that she received. Marlene enjoyed her visit with the Mom and was very taken with the twins. It makes it even more of a gift to us, the givers, when you know it is appreciated so much. Thank you ladies, for your generous donations.

Our first meeting of the new year is on February 8th at 10:00 am. Please take note of the change in location. This meeting will be primarily to plan the next projects we will be active with, so come with your ideas and we will make our group plan. Every one is invited to come who would like to help on this committee.

February 13th is a Women’s Heart Awareness Luncheon at the Johnson Geo Centre. This is a benefit for the Heart and Stroke Foundation, offering a gourmet Heart Smart lunch, lively entertainment and a “heart to heart” talk by Cardiologist, Dr. Anne Williams. The cost is $60.00 / person and you may book with the association at753-8521 ext.22 or I will book a table for newcomers by calling Ann.

Naomi House Supper Club Schedule:
February 6th. Connie B., Margaret K.
February 20th. Pia, Kay
March 6th. Volunteers needed

Hi Tea

High Tea will be held in the home of Caroline T. out in St. Philip’s. Join us Wednesday, February 1st for coffee/tea at 1 p.m. We always have a nice chat and a cozy place to spend a nice afternoon. February 1st is approaching very soon, so give Caroline a call to let you know you are coming. All are welcome. Please bring along any new ladies so they may see how hospitable Newcomers can be. Contact Caroline directly as Peggy will be away for this meeting.

Out To Lunch

Out to lunch for February is at the new Boston Pizza at Aberdeen Ave. and Stavanger Dr. on Friday, February 10th at 12:00.
Reserve by the 8th. Call Millie.

Golf Gang

So far we’ve enjoyed a marvelous winter, so with anticipation of early spring, we will make use of the indoor driving range, formerly known as D’Angelo’s, during this month. Rob is still there, waiting for us to make his days a bit more cheerful. I know that most mornings are full for many of you, so we can meet at the driving range on Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. for an hour of hitting balls and then off to a coffee shop of our choice. Until then, stretch those muscles, strengthen those backs!!

Call Marie H. if you have questions about the Golf Gang.

Book Notes

Tuesday, February 14th @ 9:30am Andrea D's home

A Very Long Engagement by Sebastian Japrisot
Convener: Roberta
Our book this month was “Stones from the River” by Ursula Hegi. The story takes place in Germany beginning at the end of WW1 and spans about 35 years. It is a story about Trudi Montag, a zwerg (dwarf) and the small town she grows up in and her constant battle to fit in. The author succeeds in recreating on paper the currents and undercurrents of small town life with wonderful character development. Our group rated this book an 8 out of 10. Some comments were “I loved it”, “I liked it, but….”, “enjoyed it”. Good-bye to Mary Mulkern, the co-convener of the Book Notes.

Thank you to Peggy for calmly hosting the most dramatic book note meeting ever. The stories life writes are unparalleled. (remarks in italic added by the editor, P )

For links to the February book choice and to the author, please look for another Book notes post from February 17th below.

Winter Walkers

Convener: Peggy

Winter Walkers continues to be the best bang for your (two) bucks. Join us on Wednesday mornings at 9 a.m. for an hour or so of fitness walking, weights, and sit-ups. Make your body glow with newfound health this new year. Parking in the lot off Elizabeth or the Aquarena, both free! Just bring your runners and your twoney; simple as that! Call Peggy for details, but no RSVP needed!

Newcomers Tennis

Fridays, 9-11 a.m. Greenbelt Tennis Club 114 Newtown Road
Conveners: Sandi and Roberta

Please join us for some social tennis and a coffee at the Greenbelt Tennis Center. We are a very friendly group and welcome players of all levels. New Year's has come and gone, time to kick in some of those resolutions-get more active, try new things? Come along we can arrange lessons or a clinic. Even if you don't have equipment we can help with that as well. If interested please contact Robertaso I can add your name to the reminder email list and discuss the details.

Games Night

Games Night will be at Karen P's home in Paradise, Friday, February 24th, 7:00 p.m. Bring the beverage of your choice, snacks will be provided. Game is Hostess’ choice, and we always manage to have great fun, no matter what the game! Please call Peggy for details, and Karenfor RSVP and directions! Come one, come all! No experience necessary.

Bible Study
10 a.m., Tuesday, February 7th, 14th 21st, 28th
Convener: Marie H.


  • The Purpose Driven Life

  • Bring along a Bible, notebook, and pen. We’re always hoping for new friends to join us.

    Couples’ Activities

    Convener: Andrea D.
    Discover Whitehills
    Sunday, February 12th
  • Whitehills Resort,
  • Clarenville

    Get together with friends and enjoy the great outdoors. Whitehills offer downhill skiing, snowboarding, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. Rentals and lesson are available so there are no excuses not to try something that may be new for you. The advantage of going with a crowd is that you should be able to find someone with the same level of experience. For this activity children are welcome as well as spouses. Contact Andrea D.

    Get Together Crafts

    Convener: Jaime
    The Craft Group will start the New Year at a new location; the Sobeys at Merrymeeting Road will be the permanent location for the rest of the year. Our first meeting of the year was on January 5th, and we will continue to meet every Thursday morning from 9 – 12 am until June. We welcome everyone, take a craft or just come for a cup of coffee and a chat.

    Film Group & Gardeners’ Forum

    Please contact Basia for the film group, & Karen P. for the gardeners’ forum.

    Friday Adventure Touring Group

    Also known as the Walkie-Talkie-Munchie Group. This is not a Newcomers’ interest group, but open to anyone who wishes to take part. It is a wonderful way to get to know St. John’s and the surrounding areas. The group meets every Friday morning at 10 a.m. in the lobby of the Holiday Inn, Portugal Cove Road, next to the kiosk. Just show up and explore!

    Tuesday, January 17, 2006

    Canadian Relocation Systems Website

  • Canadian Relocation Systems
  • is a great website with a wealth of information about everything you possibly want to know about St.John's, e.g.:

    • volunteer opportunities
    • cultural associations
    • arts and recreation
    • schools
    • real estate
    • professional organisations
    • religion and worship
    • moving companies
    • seniors
    • utilities
    • etc.

    Book Notes - February Book

    Our selection for the next Book Notes meeting at Andrea D.'s home, on Tuesday, 14th February, is

  • A very long engagement
  • by
  • Sébastien Japrisot

  • By the way, one great site -among many others- for book recommendations for reading groups is
  • Reading Group Choices
  • Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra "Silver Ball"

    The SILVER Ball

    Helping the NSO support its Symphony Goes to School Programme

    The NSO Silver Ball is sponsored by DELOITTE

    Don’t miss the Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra Ball on Saturday, February 4, 2006 at the Fairmont Newfoundland Hotel. Due to the success of last year’s event, we have decided to continue the SILVER BALL theme. The evening will start with a Champagne Reception in the Garden Court, accompanied by the
  • Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra,
  • followed by a gourmet feast and dancing to the beat of Billy and the Bruisers. Bellissima has generously offered to sponsor the Champagne Reception once again.

    Tickets are $125 each and a tax receipt will be issued for the charitable portion of the ticket price. The Ball Committee has done a incredible job in finding wonderful and diverse items for the live and silent auctions.

    The primary goal of the SILVER Ball is to help the NSO support The Symphony Goes to School Programme. Through this educational programme, we encourage young children to discover the magic of symphonic music, watch great artists perform and experience a live orchestra in action. Participation in this program continues to grow, thanks to the assistance of Chevron Texaco, Freedom 55 Financial and to the successful fundraising efforts of the NSO Ball over the last three years.

    Please join us on Saturday, February 4, 2006 for a terrific evening in support of the Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra. To purchase tables or tickets, please call the Newfoundland Symphony office at 722-4441.

    Mary O’Keeffe
    Operations Manager
    Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra
    Tel: 722-4441

    For more information on the Symphony Goes to School Programme, click
  • here
  • Monday, January 16, 2006

    January Social

    On this drab, rainy and extremely windy Monday, about 30 Newcomers ventured out into the community room of the Dominion supermarket on Blackmarsh Road for a morning of meeting friends, learning about Foods That Make You Feel Fantastic and lunch.

    After a few announcements about interest group activities and a reminder about the upcoming executive nominations ...

    ... this energetic dietician (she must be eating right) and her sidekick took over.

    They served us a lunch consisting of a grilled vegetable kebab, herb crusted pork and crispy sweet potatoes.

    According to Basia, the "Orange Brownie Sundae" was the best part of the lunch. Since the dessert didn't stay long enough in front of my lens to be photographed, she must be right.

    After lunch the dietician talked about ways to increase our energy levels. Her well delivered talk was a great reminder of all the good things we know and tend to neglect.

    Oh, and before I forget, of course there were door prizes. Our unfailing hospitality chair Basia picked something nice with a Valentine's theme. Below you see two lucky winners.

    Here the last lucky number is being drawn. An the winner is ...?

    Sunday, January 08, 2006

    Message from the President

    Dear Ladies,

    Well, well, well, I hope by now each of you has recovered from the hustle and bustle of the holidays and are ready to greet the new year with new resolve! What's that you say? Isn't it what we all are supposed to "do" at this time of year? Make resolutions, I mean. Yes, I have made a few and they all have a good chance of succeeding.....right. My list is always about doing the positive rather than abstaining from the negative. I resolve to be more cheerful, attentive, active, helpful, healthful, and to make every day a good day. Just what we all said, right? Life is short, so I want to have a good time whenever I can!

    Is it possible to have too much fun? As I write this letter I am still reeling from all the tasty food and wine I consumed at the Holiday Social that was last night at my house. What a blast! Many thanks go to the Executive members for all their help with food, set-up, planning, entertainment, and general support. You are the backbone of this organization, upon whom I truly depend! The evening was remarkable, too, mostly because of the warmth and spontaneity of the guests. Yes,

    YOU. Newcomers is all about its members. We are special because YOU are special.

    My resolve is hopefully catching. Start the new year right by attending the interest groups and social meetings. Make a date with a new friend and show her around our wonderful city. Remember our monthly calendar starts with Hi Tea on the first Wednesday, this month at Basia's, Executive meetings on the second Monday, the Social meetings are the third Monday each month, and all other events are scattered in between. Choose one, choose all, but never sit at home and wish for something to do. If there is another activity you'd enjoy, call Mary-Ellen or another member of the executive, as we are there to help make your stay in St. John's the most pleasant it can be. Smile and the world smiles with you!

    Peggy T.

    January Social Meeting

    Foods That Make You Feel Fantastic: Lunch & Learn

    Time: 11:00am
    Date: Monday 16th January 2006
    Venue: Dominion, Blackmarsh Road, upstairs to the right in Cooking Class

    Feeling tired and worn out? Running on empty? The holiday season can take a lot out of your body. Choosing the right foods can make a huge difference to your energy level. Join us and learn what foods can help boost energy, increase vitality and increase your overall feeling of well-being. This is a lesson given by the Dietician at Dominion and then we all sit down and enjoy the luncheon. Menu: Grilled Vegetable Kebabs, Crispy Sweet Potatoes, Herb-Crusted Pork and Orange Cappuccino Brownies. Cost: $10.00

    RSVP by January 12th (strictly first 30 members) Due to terms of Dominion this deadline is non negotiable. RSVP to Gaye.

    Interest Groups January

    Community Volunteers

    Co-conveners: Jaime & Ann
    Date: Wednesday, February 8th @ 10:00am
    Venue: Jaime’s home
    All welcome, call for directions and to confirm

    The committee wishes to sincerely thank you for your kind donations to our “make Christmas for a needy family” project. With your generosity we were able to make a tremendous difference in this family’s holiday season. Outfits for each of the twins and pyjamas for the Mom, as well as body care pack and a large assortment of toys, books and other activities for the twins is a small outline of what your donations went to. Then with rounding out the delivery with groceries for Christmas dinner and some to get them into the New Year, we know this will make for a memorable year for this family. Thank you again ladies.

    We talked about starting to sell second hand DVD and VHS tapes as well as the books at up coming monthly socials. As with the books, all donations greatly appreciated. This will start at the January social, space permitting. DVD’s will be sold for $3.00 and VHS for $2.00.

    The Community Volunteers are hoping to make up a table at the Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra’s Silver Ball. This helps to support the Symphony Goes To School programme. Tickets are $125.00 per person with a receipt for the charitable portion. This is a black tie optional ball with auction, followed by Billy and the Bruisers, a great local dance band. We have two couples already, and hope you join us. Call to sign up or to have questions answered.

    Naomi Centre Supper Club:
    January 9th. Gaye, Ann
    January 23rd Volunteers needed
    February 6th Volunteers needed

    Book Notes

    Co-Conveners: Mary & Roberta
    Date: Tuesday, January 10th @ 9:30am
    Venue: Peggy ’s home
    Book: Stones from the River by Ursula Hegi

    Our young adult book this month was Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. The book was very controversial when it was published in 1951 touching on such subjects as depression, impulsive spending, prostitution, homosexuality, drinking and vulgarity. The story is told through the main character, Holden Caulfield. Holden is a confused 16 year old who is trying to find his way to adulthood. After getting kicked out of his third boarding school, he heads home to New York City, but before going home he decides to spend 3 days in the city on his own. It’s during these three days that we get a glimpse of Holden in varied situations and his action/reaction to them.

    Our group rated this book a 6.5 out of 10. One unanimous comment was that it was not a “page turner” story. Other comments were “actually enjoyed it more than I realized”, “didn’t get into it”, “liked it but found the language repetitive”, “didn’t enjoy it, found it tedious”, “kept reading waiting for the controversy”.

    Thank you to June for hosting our meeting and to all the ladies for providing a delicious pot luck lunch.

    Suggested Reading:
    Tourist in the Yucatan – James McNay Brumfield
    A Million Little Pieces – John Frey

    Winter Walkers

    Convener: Peggy

    Winter Walkers will change days starting in January. We will meet on Wednesday mornings at 9 a.m. at the MUN fieldhouse. Join us for a refreshing walk around the indoor, climate controlled track and watch those pounds just melt off! Parking off Elizabeth Ave. is free and it's only a twoney to get your dose of exercise! Come one, come all. Call Peggy T. for info.

    Tuesday Toners

    Convener: Peggy
    Tuesday Toners: Is anyone interested in toning your flabby thighs? Sculpting your wiggly arms? Rounding your saggy bottom? How about your abs, do they need a bit of flattening? Well, some of the ladies have expressed an interest, so a new group is being planned. I think Jan 17th is a good starting point. Please contact Peggy T. She was a certified aerobics instructor in one of her previous lives, so can help you build a better body in no time! How's 9 a.m. sound?

    Contact Peggy for details if you're interested.

    Hi Tea

    Date: Wednesday January 4th @ 1pm Venue: Basia’s home.
    Everyone is welcome to join us for a cup of warm brew and to catch up on all that has been happening over the festive season. Pass along an invitation to a new neighbour/ friend to join us. (Invitation attached at back of newsletter).

    Please let Basia know you are coming.

    Couples’ Activities

    Convener: Andrea

    Friday January 27th Majestic Theatre, 390 Duckworth “Are We There Yet?” is a musical comedy performed by the ever popular Spirit of Newfoundland. The shows title is taken from the opening scene that features mom, dad and two children on a road trip. What follows is a collection of musical numbers and vignettes, both comedic and poignant, about family…all sorts of families. The doors open at 6:30, show starts at 7:00 and the cost is $51.50 + HST per person. I have been to several of their shows and never been disappointed.
    Please RSVP by Monday January 23rd so I can confirm numbers.


    Sunday February 11th
    Whitehills Resort, Clarenville

    Get together with friends and enjoy the great outdoors. Whitehills offer downhill skiing, snowboarding, cross country skiing and snowshoeing. Rentals and lesson are available so there are no excuses not to try something that may be new for you. The advantage of going with a crowd is that you should be able to find someone with the same level of experience. For this activity children are welcome as well as spouses.

    Contact Andrea D.

    Newcomers Tennis

    Fridays 9-10.30 a.m.
    Greenbelt Tennis Club
    114 Newtown Road

    Join us for some social tennis and a cup of coffee at Greenbelt Tennis Center, Newtown Road Never played? Haven’t played in years? Not a problem we can arrange a series of lessons for you. Interested?

    Contact: Roberta

    Beginners Bridge

    Anyone interested in learning a great card game? Beware that it can be quite addictive! If interest is shown we could start in January, possibly on Wednesday mornings.

    Call Vivian R. This would not be an interest group as such as Non-Newcomers might also take part.

    Cross Country Skiing

    Once the snow comes I have extra equipment for anyone who would like to try this wonderful sport. If you have your own equipment, would you be free to join me for a few invigorating runs?

    Call Vivian R.

    Friday Adventure Touring Group

    Also known as the Walkie-Talkie-Munchie Group. This is not a Newcomers’ interest group, but open to anyone who wishes to take part. It is a wonderful way to get to know St John’s and the surrounding areas. The group meets every Friday morning at 10 a.m. in the lobby of the Holiday Inn, Portugal Cove Road, next to the kiosk. Just show up and explore!

    Golf Gang

    Golf in January?? Probably not, but we’ll be thinking about it and getting our physical selves in order with some practice at D’Angelo;s indoor driving range. We will also try to get a “stretch” morning going at one of our homes once a week to tweak our physical game. Watch for informative emails.

    Marie H.


    Want to try something different in 2006?

    The Craft Council Clay Studio offers a wide range of classes for adults and children who are interested in exploring the art of pottery and sculpture.

    For more information call 753 2534 or email or visit their website:

  • Craft Council

  • Film Group

    Convenors: Basia & Karen
    Time: Tuesday 17th Jan

    Ladies please note a new time slot for our group due to popular demand we will trial afternoons of the third Tuesday in each month. Hopefully this suits people a whole lot better than the evenings and allows more members to indulge in being there! Our meeting place remains the same – at the Avalon cinemas, just near the top of the escalators. This will make our first meeting of the new year on Jan. 17th.

    Please contact Basia or Karen if you plan to attend and for details of timing!

    Bible Study

    Convener: Marie H
    Date: 9.30 a.m., Wednesday January 18th

    What better way to start the year than to do a Bible study with our Wednesday morning group. Trudy Ivey has given us the idea for our new study. We will be looking at The Purpose Driven Life, one chapter at a time, expecting to discover a whole lot more about ourselves and the purpose of our faith. We are always hopeful that more of you will join us. Bring a Bible and an open mind along with a copy of The Purpose Driven Life ($9.95 at Costco).

    Gardener’s Forum

    Convener Karen
    Time: Wednesday 11th Jan

    Attention interested parties, there really is something to do about gardening at this time of the year - come to my house for a lunch! Plan to bring a favourite gardening book, photos of your past, present or dream garden, plans you may have drawn, catalogues, gadgets, best successes, hopes and other inspirations. Lunch will be on Wed 11th Jan., no prior gardening experience needed!
    For more details and to RSVP, please contact Karen.

    Get Together Crafts

    Convener: Jaime

    The Craft Group will start the New Year at a new location; the Sobeys at Merrymeeting Road will be the permanent location for the rest of the year. Our first meeting of the year is on January 5th, and we will continue to meet every Thursday morning from 9 – 12 am until June. We welcome everyone, take a craft or just come for a cup of coffee and a chat.

    On January 19 and 26 we will be working our Iceberg fabric collage, Andrea D. will be our instructor. If you are interested in participating come and join us, no experience necessary! Just bring some sewing supplies such as scissors, pins and a sewing machine if you have one. Andrea will bring enough fabrics, and for a small fee you can use her supply. The example will be on display the first two Thursdays in January.