Monday, February 20, 2006

February Social

Today Roberta shared with us secrets of the vocal chords. She gave us insight through some exercises -which included sticking out our tongues and counting to ten at the same time!- into our breathing habits and illuminated the dependence of a healthy voice on our breathing. With the help of some slides and an abundance of examples Roberta made us aware of good and bad speech techniques and ways to change bad habits like continuous throat clearing. It was a lot of fun to learn about the physiological basis of a very special human organ that can tell so much about an individual. Thank you Roberta!

Before Roberta's talk we indulged as usual -Mary-Ellen had prepared some treats-,
perused the books at the book table,

signed up for jobs like the Daffodil sale,
talked about the upcoming elections for the executive
and there was even talk of reprinting the fabulous Newcomer's Cookbook
with tried old and some new recipes, drew door prizes (lovely stationary with spring motives) and held a raffle for the community volunteers. This is a close up of the raffle prize.