Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Message from our president

Hi there!

Wow, did you enjoy the Social at the Botanical Gardens? Hope you went and got some great new ideas for your gardens. I know I am inspired each time I go there.

Speaking of inspirations, I had another chance to travel last week (imagine that!) and was struck by just how MANY of us are away at any given time. Our attendance has been quite low at the past few socials and I just thought that the winter weather had gotten the best of us. I guess that could be one reason but then I remembered a certain group of GOLFERS that ventured to Norway to get some Scandinavian sunshine. Then I heard about the beach in Cuba that was the greatest beach on earth to take one's SCHOOLCHILDREN on winter holiday. I saw an ad for the Dominican Republic whose beaches were also supposed to attract many a Newfoundlander this time of year! And then so-and-so was house hunting out West, you-know-who was visiting her grandchildren in Australia, and what's-her-name just had to go on a “shopping and see her daughter” trip to Nova Scotia. Oh yes, a DYNAMIC DUO WE KNOW is off to Spain and Portugal next week, and the seasoned campers escape off to the gravel pits in a few weeks! Another member is on a CRUISE! YOU get the picture. If I were a gossip columnist I would be very busy indeed. However, I am just the President of a very important Club in Newfoundland, which likes to help its members keep busy. Well, I realize now that our members are busy enough.

Maybe what we need to provide for our Membership is a place to have some peace and quiet! Now there's an interest group. How’s about we gather for a spa day? Maybe just a manicure and pedicure? How about taking a picnic out to the LIGHTHOUSE to escape the hectic pace of city life? What, a hike on the East Coast Trail? A WHALE watching cruise? A tour of the RAILWAY MUSEUM? Why don't we go down to Middle Cove and collect some rocks and have a hot dog roast by the bonfire? Let's visit Portugal Cove and have some fish and chips. Usually I rave on about our Club and all we offer to "DO".

Today I offer up the entire Avalon as a place to have a peaceful moment away from the bustle of our usual routine. Since we will have a couple of months off during the summer.....maybe a Hi Tea or two, but not the regular interest groups or socials…… go ahead and explore what our wonderful province has to offer for your daily dose of solitude/relaxation.

However you must BE HERE to do it! Enjoy YOUR summer holiday wherever you may be!
