Saturday, October 08, 2005

Special showing - films on Nfld, Labrador and Battle Harbour

There will be a special showing of documentary films about Labrador and Newfoundland:
"Voices from the Sea" is a 40 minute documentary from the 1960s on the origins of Newfoundlanders. Dr. Joe McGuinnes is narrator.
Two shorter (5-10 minute) films will also be shown: one is about Labrador and Battle Harbour and one is the new marketing video for Battle Harbour.

Date: Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Time: 8:00 pm
Place: Hampton Hall, Marine Institute, 155 Ridge Road
Attendance: Open to the General Public

This gathering is, in part, a follow-up to the Labrador Fishery Legacy Workshop that was held in Battle Harbour this past August.

The evening will be hosted by Gordon Slade, member of the Battle Harbour Historic Trust.