Message from the 1st VP

Season’s Greetings! Yes, it is that time of year and I trust that we are all relaxed and enjoying the onslaught of the Christmas Rush (or otherwise known as “The Silly Season”). I am certainly running behind the eight ball as I have just returned from my home country, New Zealand, were I spent the past month catching up with family and friends. It was wonderful to be home and I have certainly returned refreshed and invigorated.
We have just had our 3rd meeting for the Newcomers’ year. Held on Monday 28th, at Jaime’s delightful home. Thank you, for once again opening your home to us Jaime. This was a great success and I hope that everyone who attended enjoyed this light- hearted presentation from Eric White from the Beyond Design Store. He gave us some very simple ideas for Christmas Tree decorating, hostess gifts and sumptuous offerings for a tea party. Eric also gave us many wonderful poetry readings. He certainly helped to stress that Christmas should be fun and simple!
In closing I would just like to remind everyone that it is only 2 weeks until our own Christmas Meeting. This is kindly being hosted by our
President Peggy Taylor and we are planning a Cocktail evening, as a change from our traditional Christmas Dinner.
This will still include our “New to You Raffle”, for those of you who don’t know what this involves: bring along something that you may wish to get out of your cupboard. For those of you who don’t have any items you wish to dispose of. you may like to purchase candles, napkins etc. Then on the night we sell tickets, how ever many you wish to purchase, then you go around and put tickets in cups of the displayed items you may like to win and of course we draw for the winner out of each cup. If there is any extra information we need to relay, this will be put on our Blog site, so remember to check this site from time to time. Trust you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Look forward to catching up with you all on the 12th December.