Message From the President
My Dear Ladies,
It is mid May as I write this note. The daffodils are in full bloom, the tulips are ready to pop, and most lawns already have had their first mowing. It is Springtime in Newfoundland! That means my year as President of Newcomer's has come to a close.
By the time you read this a new President will have been chosen and plans for the 10th Anniversary year will have begun. It is hard to believe that Newcomers in Newfoundland is 10 years young! What a feeling it gives me to know that we have been a part of it! The success of the past 12 months is due primarily to the fantastic team of women with whom I have been honoured to share the leadership of our Club.
I want to thank YOU ALL for a job well done! It has been a VERY good year! I am especially grateful to you, Gaye who chose so many fun and informative Socials for all of us. I depended on your friendly and sensible self to carry us through. I am thankful to you, Mary-Ellen who faithfully managed our Interest Groups for the past two years. You came to the rescue many times when I got off track at meetings, and your friendship and support has meant so much to me.
Thanks, too, for those endless cups of coffee we shared. Heather, you came on board as Secretary after Mary left and made a huge contribution, and I will miss your enthusiasm. Good luck in your new home! We'll miss you. Maggie, I am happy that you enjoyed your job so much that you will continue to take on the Treasurer job again next year, kudos to you for a job well done! I owe a big thanks to Karen as well, for all the many hours of work you did in your role as Membership Chair. You, too, will tackle the role next year, and I know you'll do a great job again.
Caroline you've done a super job as Telephone Chair, and have been a true friend to me as well. Thanks for all the messages you sent to everyone this year, and thanks for offering to do it again! Big thanks go to Louise who helped get the word out to the public! Your efforts made a huge difference this year. I want to thank Ann and Jaime who selflessly supported a number of noble causes. Your teamwork has made a massive impact on the lives of many people in need for several years and that should be acknowledged. Good job ladies! Good luck in future endeavours!
Basia, thanks to you for providing us with surprises at every Social. Your thoughtful and creative spirit was particularly welcoming! I thank Helen and Pia for providing us with the most beautiful and informative newsletter in the whole world. Your dedication to publishing the Signal is second to none. Pia, the Blog Page you set up is a wonderful monument to our Club and I hope you will continue to use your talents in that regard. Helen, good luck in the future, enjoy your new home, and know you will be missed.
Finally, I want to thank June for all the support and guidance you have given me during this year. Your kindness and inspiration was greatly appreciated.
Thanks too for the support of the many faithful members. Without you we would have no Club. My congratulations to the 06-07 Executive. Good luck for the future. Thanks again to all for a very good year!
I am moving in a few weeks and after that I know I will miss St. John's and Newcomers and just hope that everyone will stay in touch as I move on. I have very warm feelings about all that I experienced while here in this wonderful place, and I wish to be able to visit in the future.
Peggy T.